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When the sewng machne s used for a certan number of tmes of sewng (number of sttches), error
code No. E220 s dsplayed on the control box when the power s turned ON (t s dsplayed on IP panel
as well when usng IP panels such as IP-00, IP-0, etc.), and further the warnng buzzer sounds 5
times intermittently. This warning is to inform you of the replenishing time of grease to the specified
places. Be sure to replensh grease, call memory swtch No. 8, set the descrpton to “”, and turn
OFF the power.
Although the machne can be used contnuously even after the dsplay of error No. E220, error No.
E220 s dsplayed every tme the power s turned ON and the warnng buzzer sounds. Press RESET
key when usng IP panel and the error s released.
In addton, when the sewng machne s used for a certan perod of tme after the dsplay of error No.
E220, error No. E22 s dsplayed, and the sewng machne fals to operate. Error cannot be released
even when RESET key s pressed when usng IP panel.
If error No. E221 is displayed, be sure to replenish grease to the specified place below, call memory
swtch No. 8, set the descrpton to “”, and turn OFF the power.
1. After replenishing grease, call memory switch No. 118, set the description to “1”,
and turn OFF the power. Otherwise, error No. E220 or error No. E221 is displayed
2. For replenishing grease to the specified places below, use JUKI GREASE A
TUBE (Part No. 40006323) or JUKI GREASE B TUBE (Part No. 40013640) supplied
as accessories. If grease other than the specified one is used, breakage of
components will be caused.
6-15. Replenishing grease to the specified places (for LH-4168-7 and 4188-7)
Turn OFF the power switch and ascertain that the motor totally stopped before starting the work so
as to prevent personal damage caused by abrupt start of the sewing machine.
) Adjust engraved marker dot
on the machne arm to whte engraved marker dot
on the
handwheel (second whte engraved marker dot n the rotatng drecton of the sewng machne).
2) Move rod
n the drecton of the arrow, and adjust wth two clampng screws
so that the
clearance between the top end of needle and wper
s approxmately 2 mm.
2 mm
6-14. Position of the wiper