©2018 Johnson Level & Tool - Rev. 1
Setting Fine/Coarse Accuracy
Setting a fine accuracy setting establishes a more exact measurement,
and a coarser accuracy allows for a faster grade location. Coarse
accuracy is more commonly used outdoors, in bright ambient
lighting, or at rougher stages of construction such as general
1. Press to change the accuracy from fine (0.04
), to medium
), to coarse (0.35
Detecting Rotary Laser Level Signals
• To detect laser signals, be sure that nothing is blocking the detecting
window and that the detecting window is facing the laser level. If the
detecting window is unable to detect the laser beam, it will display
“OUT” at the top left of both the front and back LCD displays.
• Always hold the detector stable while it is in use.
• When detecting a horizontal laser signal, be sure that the horizontal
bubble vial is centered, as the deflection of the receiver will influence
its receiving accuracy. Similarly, when detecting a vertical laser
signal, be sure that the vertical bubble vial is centered.
1. Set the detector on a level surface, attach it to a tripod using the
-20 tripod screw thread, or use the detector’s magnets to attach
it to a surface. Make sure that the detecting window is facing the
operating laser level.
2. When the laser level’s beam intersects the detecting window, the
front and back LCD displays will guide the user to the zero/on grade
point. Either the up or down indicator LED will illuminate in red,
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