Figure 14: Feed-through temperature sensor
Figure 15: Transmitter with analog output
Operating start-up
After applying power to the device, it enters the start-up
mode. The LCD backlight is on during the start-up mode.
The LCD displays the current operating settings for 2 s
each. See Figure 16.
Figure 16: Current operating settings
After the display shown in Figure 16, the alarm buzzer
beeps twice. The start-up mode continues with a one min
During the warm-up mode, the alarms are set to OFF, the
Status LED flashes green, all communications disable, the
button pad disable, and any analog output sets to the
minimum value. Immediately after the start-up mode, the
device enters normal mode.
Normal operation
During normal operation, the installed sensor
measurements display on the LCD. The analog outputs
update with the appropriate values and alarm conditions
are monitored. In normal operation, the sensors measure
the gas concentration level in the surrounding air and
output a proportional value on the analog output, which
is scaled to the default range of 0 ppm to 300 ppm CO or 0
ppm to 10 ppm NO
Order the temperature sensor as a feed-through with
different sensor options, or as a transmitter. When
configured as a transmitter, the output signal is scaled 4
mA to 20 mA, 0 VDC to 5 VDC, 0 VDC to 10 VDC, or network
variable depending on the device model. You can change
the temperature range to -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C) or
32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) through the Setup Menu.
If the model also includes a NO
sensor, the output signal
is scaled 0 ppm to 10 ppm = 4 mA to 20 mA, 0 VDC, 5
VDC, 0 VDC to 10 VDC, or as a network variable. The
sensor readings display on the LCD depending on the
device model. You can also configure the sensor readings
through the setup Menu. There are several configurations
on how to display information. See
For example displays, see Figure 17.
Figure 17: Example displays
GS3000 Gas Detection Sensor Series Installation Guide