AD-1272 Advanced Thermal Dispersion Probe Airflow Measuring System Technical Bulletin
1. In the Operator Menu, press
to scroll to the BACnet Network Configuration submenu.
2. Press
3. Scroll through the submenu options and make any necessary updates. See Table 14 for a description of the
BACnet Network Configuration submenu selection options and their configurable options.
If any changes are made to the BACnet Network Configuration parameters after turning on BACnet, you
must change the BACnet On/Off setting off and back on again to get the changes to take effect.
BACnet Objects
If BACnet communications is enabled on the AD-1272 and all parameters are correctly set (see Figure 57) the
BACnet objects listed below will be available to the Building Automation System (BAS). The units for the BACnet
objects will be the same as the units the display is configured for. For example, if the display is setup to show flow
on CFM, the units for the BACnet Flow objects will also be in CFM. The Flow and Temperature alarms must be
enabled in the AD-1272 (see Figure 59 through Figure 61) for the points to be map able to the BAS.
Low Flow Alarm (if enabled)
High Flow Alarm (if enabled)
Low Temperature Flow (if enabled)
High Temperature Flow (if enabled)
Hardware Objects
If the Analog Outputs on the AD-1272 are wired directly to a field controller on the BAS it is important to note that
the high and low values for the Flow Output are configured in Feet per Minute (FPM) and the Temperature high and
low values are in Deg F when imperial units are selected and Meters per Second (MPS) with Deg C when SI units
are selected. If there is a need to convert the BAS to a different unit, calculate the corresponding values for the
units of measure and program the input’s high and low values with the calculated values. For example, if you have
a 24 x 24 in. (4 square feet) duct and the High Flow Output in the transmitter is set to 5000 FPM (default), the
corresponding high CFM value will be 20,000 CFM, see equation below.
[(24 in. x 24 in.)/144 square inches per square foot] x 5000 FPM = 20,000 CFM
The scaling for the input receiving the signal should be configured from 0 to 20,000 CFM.
Figure 58: BACnet Network Configuration Selection Screen