AC Fusing and
Chapter 6 - Detailed Diagnostics
Warning: The output terminals of this device are live whenever the line cord is plugged into the Generator and into
a live outlet.
The power entry module is located on the left side of the back panel and wired with quick disconnect terminals. For
a functional description see section 2.2.
Input power is supplied via the IEC appliance connector on the line cord. If not already so, insert the cord
fully into the back of this module.
The output terminals (black and white wires) should carry the appropriate line voltage regardless of the
position of the front panel power switch. Plug the cord into an outlet and verify this voltage.
In 115 VAC generators (Model GEN01) the entry module contains an external fuse drawer. Check these
fuses (see section 6.3.2) before deciding to replace this module.
Disconnect the line cord, remove the two terminals, de-solder the green grounding wire, and un-screw the
two machine screws securing the power entry module to the back panel.
Remove the power entry module and replace it with the appropriate part listed in Appendix C.
This module is located directly underneath the power entry module in 115 VAC generators (Model GEN01) and on
the far right in 230 VAC generators (Models GEN22 and GEN32). For a functional description see section 2.2.
All fuses used in the generator are time delayed and therefore may appear closed when they are actually
open. Remove the power cord and test each fuse with an ohm meter to ensure they are closed.
In the 115 VAC generators, test the three fuses in the fuse block via the access holes. Also test the two
fuses located in the fuse drawer in the lower portion of the power entry module.
In the 230 VAC generators, test the six fuses in the fuse block via the access holes.
Refer to the wiring diagram in Appendix B and verify that the primary wiring is intact by re-inserting the
power cord, switching the generator on, and testing for the appropriate line voltages via the access holes in
the top of the fuse block.
If no voltage is detected and all the fusing and wiring is intact, replace the power switch on the
front panel.
For all replacements, disconnect the line cord and refer to Appendix C for the replacement
part number.
To replace fuses, lift the applicable hinged section of the fuse block and remove the fuse.
To replace an individual fuse housing or terminal block, unscrew the two stops at the ends of the fuse rail.
Slide the fuse housing or terminal block off the rail and remove the attached wires.
To replace the front panel power switch, remove the four terminals, squeeze the retaining tabs on the
switch and push it out through the front panel.
Power Entry