SC4 M&S DAD Stereo Compressor - User's guide
INPUT GAIN CONTROL is a rotary pot controlling the gain of both the
analogue and the digital inputs to the compressor. The range of the control is
from fully off, to a system gain of 18dB (with the output gain control at its
callibration point).
SLOPE is a FIVE position rotary switch which can be thought of as a ratio
control, but actually changes the shape of the compression curve. It also
sets the maximum amount of gain reduction in the system and has the
effect of hardening or softening the compression.
At position 1 the compression effect is small and the ratio low.
At position 5, the compressor is approaching limiting; the ratio is about 8:1
at operating level, but less than this at low levels and during overload
DIGITAL IN is a push button switch which enables the audio path from the D/A
converter. A yellow LED indicates that the digital input is live.
M/S INPUT is a push button that disables the internal M/S coder. In this mode,
the output of microphone amplifiers with M/S microphones attached (or M/S
recordings) can be directly connected to the SC4.
COMPRESSION is a rotary control setting the amount of drive to the
compressor sidechain. The range is from off to maximum compression.
ATTACK is a rotary control setting the rate at which the compressor starts to
operate. At fully anticlockwise, the attack time for transient compression can
be as low as 0.5 milliseconds. The total range is about 6 milliseconds.
RELEASE is the control which sets the time for any gain reduction to return to
"off state.
IN/OUT is a push button switch to disable the compression sidechain for
comparisons between compressed and uncompressed signals. A blue LED
indicates that the compression sidechain is active. A RED LED shows that the
compressor section is bypassed. A 2dB gain adjustment is built in so that it is
easier to compare compressed and uncompressed signals.