SC4 M&S DAD Stereo Compressor - User's guide
The VU meters read stereo volume level (LH meter) and compression depth
(RH meter).
WIDTH is a rotary control affecting the 'side' channel which contains the
width information. At fully anticlockwise the stereo signal becomes mono. at
full clockwise, the width information is 100% greater than in the normal stereo
image (200%). The calibration point in the centre is normal stereo.
OUTPUT GAIN is a rotary control which sets both the analogue and the
digital output level from the compressor. It is calibrated so that at the '0' mark,
the noise and overload conditions are optimised. With the INPUT GAIN
control set at its calibration mark as well, the through gain is unity. 6dB of
make-up gain is possible with the control.
LOCAL/REMOTE SYNC push button selects whether to follow external or
internal clock. The button is only active when there is a digital source
SAMPLERATE push button sets the internal clock to 44.1 or 48KHz.
EXT SYNC LED illuminates when a digital input is present.
Samplerate LEDs show the selected frequency. They are only alight when
the local onboard clock is active.
On the rear panel there is a single push-button. When out, the digital output
is in 'consumer' mode. This is correct for optical (SPDif) operation. When the
button is depressed, the mode is changed to 'professional' which may be
required for some equipment when using AES/EBU.
The 'consumer' protocol with no pre-emphasis is most generally recognised
and universally operational in audio. The copy protect bit stays set to 'copy
OK'. The 'AES/EBU' input and output may be used directly with SP-Dif
systems by using a converter cable. Make sure that when converting from
XLR to RCA phono, the screen of the cable connects to both pin 1 and pin 3,
the conductor connects to pin 2.