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- User Manual v 3.1
MENU; SETUP; CONTROL: Remote Mode: = footsw play
MENU; SETUP; CONTROL: Local Control = ON (tick this setting unless you
want to disable the front panel)
MENU; SETUP; Line-in mon: = Relay (thru)
MENU; Playback Manager; Enable and Config; Enable Playback Mode = ON
MENU; Playback Manager; Enable and Config; Failover Mode = Backup
MENU; Playback Manager; Enable and Config; Failover Chan = 24 (tone in)*
*this can be any channel that does not have audio but must be the same on
both systems
Any other settings should be the same on both systems. In the Playback
Manager config menu, pay particular attention to Cue Next on Stop in Song
and Enable song track offsets
Name Manage...
The Name Manager is most relevant to the BlackBox Recorder software and
is explained further in that User Manual
Disk Manage...
Similarly, use of the Disk Manager is explained in the BlackBox Recorder User
Software Updates
It should be noted that JoeCo may release software upgrades from time to
time, either to add features or to cure bugs that have been found in the
software – though we have endeavoured to remove all that we’ve found.
Therefore, this document may be superseded in the future as other items
are added to the menu structure. We will note any significant changes in the
on-line version of the User Manual which will be found in the download area
of JoeCo website
The software version currently installed on the BlackBox Player is displayed
on the LCD display during the boot procedure and can also be seen in the
“About” Menu. (N.B. In the event of reporting any suspected problems you