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Figure 2 - Cross section of Hot Water Relief Valve

See figure 2.

Slacken the locknut (item 5), hold the stem (item 2) and turn the adjuster (item 3) clockwise to increase the set 
pressure or anticlockwise to decrease the set pressure, then retest.

When 3psi +/- 0.2 psi has been achieved, tighten the locknut (item 5) against the adjuster, ensuring components 
are locked together.

Confirm set pressure has not changed.

Remove test equipment and re-fit relief valve  to set.


JFD recommend that the scrubber canister is removed and inspected at the end of every dive, irrespective of 
whether it is intended to change the sodalime at that time.  Any moisture detected should be investigated.  This 
ensures that the set is serviceable for the next diver.


JFD are currently undertaking work to improve the flow capacity of the relief valve.  This will ensure that the 
COBRA set is protected from overpressure, even if the COBRA set hot water outlet is totally blocked for any 
reason.  A further guidance note and replacement parts will be issued in the near future to allow clients to carry 
out this modification.

COBRA Bailout System

23 May 2019

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