Installation and operation of the Mynx
NOTE: On most tiled roofs, it would be
allowable to lift the row of tiles right above
the fluepipe and to place the top of the lead
underneath these tiles.
The flashing must now be sealed against
the roof materials. This is done using the
membrane and acrylic waterproofing paint.
All forms of surface contamination must
be removed to ensure a smooth surface,
free of moisture and any loose material,
or any other barrier to adhesion. Steel
and galvanised steel surfaces must be free
of loose paint, grease, grime, oil and rust.
All surfaces must first be prepared with
a primer coat.
For all
non-metal surfaces
example roof tiles) mix 50 % waterproofing
paint and 50% clean water to prime the
entire surface. Allow a 30-minute drying
metal surfaces
(for example
galvanised roof sheets) use the Jetmaster
heat resistant paint to prime the area.
Allow a 30-minute dr ying time .
Cut strips of membrane long enough to
cover each edge of the flashing
Apply at the rate of 1 litre/m2 undiluted
waterproofing paint and immediately
embed the membrane into the wet paint,
ensuring no creases or folds in the
membrane . Work the membrane
thoroughly into the waterproofing paint
using a brush. Ensure that the membrane
forms into all crevices and that it
completely covers the edge of the flashing.
The waterproofing paint should be evident
"striking through" the membrane and if
this is not the case, too little waterproofing
paint has been applied or the waterproofing
paint has been allowed to dry before
embedding the membrane.
NOTE: Ensure that an area of at least 100mm
around the joint between the flue pipe and
the flashing is not contaminated with the
Allow a 30 minute drying period before
any second layer sections are laid.
It is recommended that the complete
supply of waterproofing paint and
membrane be used to apply additional
layers in sensitive areas. (For example on
corners, or at tile overhangs, or over roof
Note: Drying times could vary based on
atmospheric temperature and humidity. The
quoted drying times is based on 25°C and
60% humidity.
The next step is to seal the joint between
the flue pipe and the flashing, using heat
resistant silicone.