Installation and operation of the Mynx
The first step in this process is to cut /
break a hole through the roof surface.
For roof materials manufactured of steel
sheets (e.g. IBR, Corrugated iron etc.) it
is recommended that an angle grinder
be used to cut a hole through the roof
sheeting material.
For tiled roofs, remove the tiles directly
above where the flue must go through.
Fit the next flue sections so that it goes
through the hole in the roof.
NOTE: It is important to ensure that the
hole cut in the roof is as small as possible.
Any gaps between the flue and the roofing
materials must be as small as possible.
For tiled roofs it is important to fill the
gaps between the flue and the roof tiles
with partial tiles. For example, it might
be necessary to cut a tile in half, to allow
such half a tile to be replaced next to
the flue. On the top section of the flue
it might be necessary to fit a full tile but
slide it higher up, to fill the gap of half a
Slide the lead flashing over the flue pipe.
The hole provided in the flashing is slightly
smaller than the size of the flue pipe
itself. This is to aid a proper form on the
final installation. Using pliers, the flashing
can be manipulated to allow it to slide
over easily.
The flashing should now be formed onto
the roofing materials.
NOTE: Bear in mind that the aim of this
process is to prevent water leakage through
the roof. Always be on the lookout for possible
water leaks that can be avoided!
Form the flashing from the centre
outwards. The aim is to make the flashing
take the same shape as the roofing material
as well as to close any gaps between the
flashing and the flue pipe.
Start by forming the flashing by hand,
firmly push the flashing down as far as it
would go without applying any strain. Then
using a hammer, lightly knock the flashing
down onto the roof, forming it down into
all corners.
Working from the inside outward, repeat
this process a few times forming the
flashing a bit deeper with every repetition.
Repeat this until it takes the same shape
as the roof.
Now, form the flashing onto the flue pipe.
Again this is normally easiest using a
hammer, and gently knocking the lead up
against the flue pipe.
NOTE: During the forming process ensure
that you do not apply heavy force, and that
you do not tear through the lead flashing.
Should the flashing however be torn, this can
be sealed as described below.