IOM J500.32
16633 Fol
tz Parkway ● Strongsville, OH 44149 USA ● Telephone: +1 (440) 572-1500 ● Fax: +1 (440) 238-8828
www.clark- ● [email protected]
2. Press Jerguson
™ assembly against rear of gauge as shown in Figure 9, aligning the bracket
cutouts over the gauge bolt heads as shown. Align the brackets with the 2
set of bolts in from each end of
the gage, when possible. Note that all one-section size 7 models and smaller will require the power supply
to be remote mounted.
3. While holding the top bracket in place, grab the thumb nut end of the cable, wrap around entire gauge and
thread onto the stud until the bracket is secure. When wrapping the cable around the gauge, make sure to
feed the cable above the bolt as shown above in Figure 10. Snug the cable and secure the thumb nut, but
do not fully tighten the thumb nut at this time.
4. Align bottom bracket, using the 2
bolt if possible. Wrap thumb nut end of the cable around the entire gauge
and begin to thread. Pull the cable loop as tight as possible and fully tighten the thumb nut down as shown
in Figure 11. The lower bracket should now be tight and secure.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11