Insufficient Data to Construct a Calibration Curve
This warning message is displayed if the user aborts a quantitation calibration before two or more
calibration points have been performed. The instrument cannot construct a calibration curve with less
than two calibration points so will display a blank axis.
Insufficient Data to Save Calibration Method
This warning message is displayed if the user aborts a quantitation calibration and then attempts to
save the aborted calibration.
The Modification of Stored Method Parameters is not Permitted
This warning message is displayed when the user attempts to change the calibration standards of a
recalled quantitation method. A calibration curve of a recalled method can be re-constructed by repeating
the calibration. The number of standards and standard concentration can be viewed but not changed.
No Quantitation Data to Save
This warning message is displayed when the user attempts to save a calibration curve when only the
blank axis are displayed, that is, without having previously performed a quantitation calibration.
h) Accessories
This Operation is Unavailable Whilst Continuous Pumping is Enabled
This message is displayed if the sipper pump accessory is fitted and the user attempts to take up a
sample (or flush) when the sipper pump has been set to continuous pumping (from within the sipper
pump set-up menu).
Still Pumping...
This message is displayed if the sipper pump accessory is fitted and the user attempts to perform a
sipper pump operation before the sipper pump has completed the last operation. For example, if the
user selects the flush menu option whilst the sipper pump is still taking up the sample.
640 050/REV B/11-99