This value is multiplied by the average absorbance or transmittance changing rate to give the enzyme
value (EV).
Record Range...
Allows access to the kinetics record range menu option which allows the Y-Axis range to be set.
Y-Axis Max
The highest absorbance or transmittance (depending on the measurement mode) that is displayed on
the kinetics axis.
Y-Axis Min
The lowest absorbance or transmittance (depending on the measurement mode) that is displayed on
the kinetics axis.
Auto Re-Scale
When auto re-scale is on, the instrument will automatically change the Y-Axis minimum and maximum
points to display the scan to it’s greatest resolution. If set to off, then the Y-Axis will use the user set
maximum and minimum points.
Best Fit...
Allows access to the line of best fit selection menu.
Plot Line of Best Fit
Turns the displayed kinetics run line-of-best-fit on or off.
Best Fit Slope Start
The instrument can be set to only calculate the line of best fit over a portion of the kinetics run time.
The best fit slope start is used to enter the elapsed run time from which the instrument should commence
the line of best fit calculations.
Best Fit Slope End
The best fit slope end is used to enter the elapsed run time up to which the instrument will base the line
of best fit calculations.
640 050/REV B/11-99