c) Photometrics Mode
Concentration Factor Too High
This error is reported when the resulting multiplication factor required for a photometrics mode
concentration calibration is calculated to be outside of the instrument limits.
d) Spectrum Mode
No Spectrum Data Available
This warning occurs when an action which processes the data from a scanned spectrum is performed.
For example, pressing the print key with only a blank scan graph will report this warning rather than
printing the blank axis. Similarly, if the recall menu option is selected and no scans have been saved,
then this message is reported.
Saving a Recalled Scan is Not Permitted
This warning message is displayed when the user attempts to save a scan that has already been saved
(that is, has been recalled from memory). No data is lost if this warning is reported.
Performing a Baseline Scan will Invalidate Spectrum Data
The instrument prompts the user to confirm a manual baseline scan because the current scan is referenced
to the current baseline information. Since it is likely that the baseline information will change (because
of instrument drift) when a new baseline is acquired, the appearance of the displayed scan may change
slightly. Saved scans are stored with the baseline information relevant at the time of saving, and are
not affected by performing a manual baseline.
Ensure a New Baseline Scan is Executed Before Performing Spectrum Scans...
This message is displayed on entry into Spectrum mode as a reminder to perform a baseline scan prior
to performing sample scans. Since the instrument always has baseline data to allow reasonably accurate
sample scans, this message can be ignored, but for best accuracy a new baseline should be performed
prior to performing sample scans.
No Spectrum Data to Save
This warning message is displayed when the user attempts to save a spectrum when only the blank
axis are displayed, that is, without having previously performed a scan.
No Data to Acquire Statistics
This error is displayed if the user attempts to view statistics with no scan or kinetics run data.
Warning Invalid Scan Range
This warning message occurs when one of the parameters that defines the scan range and scan interval
is set to a value that cannot be scanned or which is beyond the scanning range of the instrument. For
example, the instrument cannot scan between 540nm and 544nm at 5nm intervals (the interval must be
less than the scan range, in this example, either 1nm or 0.2nm). Similarly, if the scan start or end
wavelength will not be reached at the scan interval, then the instrument changes either the start or end
wavelength to fall on an exact number of scan intervals. For example, with a scan interval set to 1nm,
and the start wavelength set to 540.5nm, an attempt to enter an end wavelength of 640nm will produce
an invalid scan range warning, and the end wavelength will be changed to 640.5nm.
640 050/REV B/11-99