Noise Filter
The post-scan statistical feature will list all turning points (peaks and valleys) when the noise filter is
set to off. If the noise filter is set to fine, medium or coarse then peaks and valleys which deviate from
the preceding peak or valley by a percentage of the total excursion of the scan (the difference between
the highest peak and the lowest valley) are omitted from the statistcal peaks and valleys tables. More
peaks and valleys will be omitted if the noise filter is set to coarse (only those peaks and valleys which
exceed 10% of the total excursion) than for medium (5%) or fine (1%) settings.
Auto Re-Scale
This feature can be turned on or off. When auto re-scale is on, the instrument will automatically
change the Y-Axis minimum and maximum points to display the scan to it’s greatest resolution. If set
to off, then the Y-Axis will use the user set maximum and minimum points.
Repeat Scan Time...
Allows access to the repeat scan set up menu, which allows the instrument to automatically repeat a
scan a number of times at a user set time interval.
Auto Repeat Scan
Turns the automatic feature which repeats a scan at a user set time interval on or off.
Interval (Sec)
Allows entry of the time interval (in seconds) at which the instrument will repeat a scan when this
feature is turned on. The interval between scans begins upon completion of the first user initiated scan,
including the time to print the scan if the automatic print feature is turned on.
Repeat Scans
The number of times a scan will be repeated when the automatic repeat scan feature is turned on. This
does not include the first scan, which must be initiated by the user.
Auto Print
If this option is turned on and the automatic repeat scan feature is turned on, then the instrument will
automatically print the scan (either to the in-built printer or to the serial port) upon completion of a
Instrument Set Up...
Allows access to the instrument set up menu.
For details of setting up these parameters refer Section 3.2.
Accessory Set Up...
This will only be displayed if an accessory is fitted to the instrument.
640 050/REV B/11-99