4. WPS
Off: the wireless network not encrypted
Keep on: the wireless network encrypted
5. QoS
Off: QoS function not enabled
Keep on: QoS function enabled
6.2. 4G/5G wireless status indicator
Off: wireless network not enabled
Keep on: wireless network enabled
Flicker: wireless network data in transmission
7. RESET button
To hold this button for over 5s, the device restores to factory setting.
8. WPS button
To click, 5G WPS process starts.
To hold for over 5s, 2.4G WPS process starts.
9. WLAN button
To hold it for 1 s, an operator can turn on/off 5G wireless network. To hold it for
over 5s, an operator can turn on/off 2.4G wireless network.
10. QoS button
QoS function button. To click it, an operator can enable QoS function. To hold it for 5s,
an operator can disable QoS function.