Heating Element
Suction Tube
Then bring it down until the suction tube
connector fits into the rear slot of the heating
element guard.
Rear Slot
DT20 Cardboard Solder-Collectors are designed as a throwaway product. There is no need to
clean the cardboad solder-collector. Throw it away and replace it for a new one. This saves time
and makes replacement easier and faster.
The steps for replacing the cardboard solder collector can be found on the previous pages in the
description of the glass solder collector.
Changing the Cardboard Solder-Collector
Insert the collector group with its front gasket
onto the heating element.
Inserting the Glass Solder-Collector into the Tool
Changing the Heating Element
Detach the solder-collector together with the
suction tube from the desoldering iron.
If the heating element has a tip on, remove it
with the provided spanner.
For this operation, turn off the station or disconnect the tool and wait until the equipment has
cooled down to room temperature.