Rev. 1/14/15
Jaylor Owner Manual
- 36 -
Mini Mixer Models
The A50 and A100 self-propelled models are designed to be easily and conveniently maneuvered
down narrow alleyways with sharp turns. The following outlines the procedure and possible
hazards to be aware of while driving the machine.
1. Be sure all bystanders are clear of the machine and that there are no riders on the machine.
2. Be sure that the machine has plenty of fuel to reach its destination.
3. Start the machine as outlined in section ‘
4. Stand securely on the operator’s platform facing forward. Use one hand to securely hold the
steering wheel/spinner.
5. Check to make sure the steering tire is facing forward before driving.
6. Be well aware of your surroundings before driving. Do not drive if you feel the terrain or the
situation deems it unsafe to do so.
7. When you are ready to proceed, make note of the cutout arrows on the platform as they will
inform you which side of the speed/direction control pedal to press depending on which
direction you want to travel.
8. Gradually depress the pedal downward until a comfortable and safe speed is reached.
9. Rotate the steering wheel/spinner as needed to maneuver across the terrain.
10. Make sure you are always aware not only of the area in front of the mixer, but also behind
and on both sides of the mixer.
11. Plan the route to your destination and make sure you are familiar with it. Always take the
safest, most direct route. Avoid driving if visibility is poor.
12. When parking the mixer, place on a flat, level surface, put controls in neutral, apply parking
brake if equipped (if not, block wheels), stop engine, remove ignition key, and wait for all
moving parts to stop.
The following is a list of feasibly dangerous situations that the operator may be faced with at
some point. Please follow the recommendations given to reduce the risk of accidents and injury
or death:
If you are planning on driving the machine on a local highway, be sure to follow all local
highway and transport laws and regulations. This may include, but is not necessarily
limited to, making sure the SMV (Slow Moving Vehicle) emblem and all the lights and
reflectors that are required by the local highway and transport authorities are in place, are
clean, and can be seen by all overtaking and oncoming traffic.
This machine has three wheeled drive and is designed to handle most farmyard
conditions, including driving up or down steep inclines. Please ensure that when driving
up or down inclines, the machine faces straight up or down, and not across the incline (as
turnover could occur). Be especially careful when traveling up and down inclines with a
full load. When traveling up an incline with a full load, it is recommended that the operator
disengage the auger to avoid the possibility of engine stalling and loss of control.
Likewise, never park the machine on a hill or slope. Only park on flat, level surfaces with
blocks applied (or parking brake engaged if equipped).
Before driving into an area with low headroom, make sure that you (the operator), and the
machine fit comfortably.
When entering into a new area blindly (i.e. from daylight into a dark barn or around a blind
corner), decrease to a very slow speed and be prepared to stop suddenly if necessary.
Never assume that others are aware of your presence. If model is equipped with a horn
(CE models), sound horn before entering into a new area blindly.