14. It should be recharged every 2-3 months if unused. If this is not done,
then the warranty will be null and void. When installed and being used, the
batteries will be automatically recharged and kept in top condition.
15. This UPS supports electronic equipment in offices, telecommunications,
process control, medical and security applications. Non-authorized
technician is not allowed to install the UPS in the following areas:
a. Medical equipment directly related to human life
b. Elevator, Metro (Subway) system or any other equipment related to
human safety.
c. Public system or critical computer systems.
16. Do not install the UPS in an environment with sparks, smoke or gas.
17. Make sure the UPS is completely turned off when moving the UPS from
one place to another. It might cause electrical shock if the output is not cut
18. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – This Manual Contains Important
Instructions that should be followed during Installation and Maintenance of
the UPS.
19. Symbol for ON/Off is displayed and defined.
20. Intended for installation in a temperature-controlled, indoor area free of
conductive contaminants.
21. Maximum ambient temperature 40
(or 0~40
for ambient Operating).
Storage Instruction
For extended storage through moderate climate, the batteries should be
charged for 12 hours every 3 months by plugging the UPS power cord into the
wall receptacle and turn on input breaker on front panel. Repeat this procedure
every 2 months under high temperature environment.
Inspect the UPS upon receipt. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is damage.
The package is recyclable; save it for reuse or dispose of it properly.
Place the UPS Properly
The UPS is with microprocessor control, which shall be placed in a well-
ventilated & low humid environment.