UMG 508
Current converter connections!
The secondary connections of the cur-
rent converter must be short-circuited
to these before the electricity cables
are disconnected from the UMG508!
If a test switch is available which auto-
matically shorts the secondary current
converter lines, it is sufficient to set
them to the "test" extradata, as long as
the short-circuiters have been checked
Open current converters!
Extreme contact danger due to voltage
peaks can occur on current converters
that are operated open on the secon-
dary side!
For "anti-open current converters", the
winding isolation is calculated so that
the current converters can be operated
open. However, these current conver-
ters are also dangerous to touch if they
are operated open.
Current Direction
The current direction can corrected on the de-
vice or individually using the available serial in-
terfaces for each phase.
In the case of incorrect connection, subsequent
reconnection of the current converter is not ne-