Hatchery Disinfectant Manual
The Hatchery Disinfectant System has been designed
to adapt to various hatchery layouts, from small speci-
ality hatcheries to large scale poultry producers. The
Electronic Controller can be placed almost anywhere
in the hatchery (e.g. the hatchery manager’s office),
and the dilution tanks can be isolated in a storage and/
or mechanical/electrical room. The atomizer units are
located inside the incubator and hatcher machines, but
Figure 3: Typical Hatchery Layout with Dual Zone Coverage (not to scale)
can also be situated in any section of the hatchery where
bacterial contamination is considered a problem. Fig-
ure 3 (below) illustrates a typical hatchery layout with
Dual Zone coverage to the incubator and hatcher rooms.
Additional controllers can be installed to operate more
than two zones (see Figure 4 on page 10 for an exam-
ple of a multiple zone layout).
Dilution tanks set for dual Zone
coverage (storage room location).
Electronic Disinfectant Controller
(convenient access location)
Zone 1 (Incubators)
Zone 2 (Hatchers)
Manager's Office