GB - General Information
As the company JAMARA e. K. has no influence over the use, main-
tenance or conditions under which our products will operate, we
accept no responsibility for any damage caused be it of a physical,
financial or theoretical nature. JAMARA e. K. will accept no claim
against it which results directly or indirectly from the operation or
use of ist products.
Your Statutory Rights apply, any claim made against us will be
based solely on the retail price of the product, and limited to the
model only. This will not apply if we are proved to be legally respon-
sible or when gross negligence can be proved.
Switch the transmitter on first then the model. When you
are finisished first switch off the model then the transmitter.
Communications Regulations
Please observe all rules and regulations referring to the use of ra-
dio signals (radio control) which may be in force within the coun-
try where you are operating your model, any queries should be
addressed to your dealer.
Please Remember!
The operator is solely responsible for the use of radio signals
and for his model. Please ensure that you acquaint yourself
with all laws which may apply to you before you operate
your model.
Disposal information
Please care for a environmental correct and legal way of
disposing the batteries and/or accus. Please, only throw
away empty accus into the collect-boxes in your local
shops or commune. (Normally discharge the accus,
when the model stops running)
All parts of this model should be disposed of correctly, in
particular electronic components may be subject to local
restrictions. Your dealer will advise you.
Technical data
~ 480 x 300 x 205 mm
~ 3400 g
B4465/4 2590W
No responsibility is taken for the cor-
rectness of this information. Subject to
change without prior notice. Errors and
omissions excepted.
Box contents 05 6702 RTR
• 4WD model
• Transmitter 2,4 GHz
• Battery pack
• Charger 230 V
• Brushless motor installed
• Brushless controller installed
• 1 servo installed
• Painted body
• Decals
• Instructions with Tuning parts
Box contents 05 6703
• 4WD model 80 % pre-assembled
• Body
• Decals
• Instructions with Tuning parts
Certificate of Conformity (only version RTR)
JAMARA e. K. hereby declare that the model „Ultra E-Brushless
RTR, No. 05 6702“ follows the appropriate and relevant EEC Direc-
tives, in particular those listed below and that the model has been
constructed accordingly.
Set contains transmitter and receiver.
Please direct any queries that you may have regarding conformity
to our service department at:
Jamara e.K. | Erich Natterer
Am Lauerbühl 5 | D-88317 Aichstetten
Tel. +49 (0) 7565/9412-0 | Fax +49 (0) 7565/9412-23
www.jamara.com | [email protected]
Further information can also be found at:
www.jamara.com - Downloads - Konformitätserklärung
Relevant EC Directives:
- Radio & Telecom Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) 1999/5/EC
- Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) 2002/96/EC
- Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
2011/65/EU, 2002/95/EC