1. The robot has passed the electromagnetic compatibility test
specified in the CR certification. Exceeding standard interference
signals will cause abnormal behavior of the robot. Extremely high
signal levels or exceeding the maximum standards will cause
permanent damage to the robot. JAKA is not responsible for any
damage caused by out-of-range EMC problems.
2. The length of the I/O cable used to connect the electrical
cabinet to other mechanical and industrial equipment must not
exceed 30 meters unless it is feasible after extended testing and
shielded cables are required if necessary.
4.3 Front panel of the electrical cabinet
The front panel interface of the electrical cabinet is arranged on the first floor after the electrical cabinet
door is opened, including:
16 digital inputs (P1 and P3)
16 digital outputs (P2 and P4)
2 configurable analog interfaces (P5)
1 set of high speed interface (P6)
Remote ON/OFF and 485 interface (P7)
Safety function interface (P8)
USB3.0 interface (P9) and Ethernet interface (P10)
The USB interface and Ethernet interface are reserved for internal use and can be contacted by JAKA
technical support personnel if needed. The layout is shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Front panel interface of the electrical cabinet