8.29 Command PGR – Run pixel gain correction and store in user area
This command initiates the flat-field correction function, and stores the settings in the
user area.
0= Run PRNU correction and store to user area
1= Run flat correction and store to user area
Associated functions:
Command PGC must be set to 2
Important note:
The image sensors must not be saturated when executing this function.
When executing this function, the exposure time and line rate should be the same as
when the camera is operated in the application.
Refer to chapter
6.3.8 PRNU (Pixel Response Non-Uniformity) correction
for further
8.30 Command PGS – Inquire the status after pixel gain correction
This command returns the status of the pixel gain correction, with the following
0=Shading correction not completed yet
2=Error 1 – Image was too bright
3=Error 2 – Image was too dark
4=Error 3 - Timeout occurred
8.31 Command SDC – Select shading correction mode
This function enables (or disables) the shading correction.
0 = off (Bypass)
1 = Factory setting (default)
2 = User area
Associated functions:
Command SDR
8.32 Command SDR – Run shading correction
This function initiates automatic shading correction, and stores the result to the user
area. This function should be used together with the flat-field correction (commands
PGC and PGR). There are two types of shading correction: Individual R, G and B
channel correction and chromatic shading correction.
0=Run flat shading correction and store to user area
1=Run color shading correction and store to user area
A) Flat shading correction (SDR=0)
Shading is calculated and individually compensated for R, G and B channels
respectively. The calculation is based on the average value of 8 consecutive pixels.
The maximum deviation that can be compensated is -20% of the highest signal level
(brightness) of the line.