8.20 Command LR - Line Rate (Scan Rate)
This function is used only when there is no external trigger pulse (e.g. from an
encoder) available. It allows the user to program the line rate, in order to match the
speed of the object being scanned. In the No-Shutter mode, the exposure time is
directly proportional to the line rate (T
= 1/line rate)
4944 to 1201920, 61.8μs to 15.02ms in 12.5ns increments
Associated functions:
Trigger origin, TG=0
Applicable modes:
No-Shutter with internal line rate generator
Shutter-Select with internal line rate generator (TR=1)
Important note
The data can be stored in the camera memory for next start up.
Refer to chapter
6.3.1 Line rate (Command LR)
for further details
8.21 Command NR – Noise reduction
This command activates noise reduction circuit.
0=OFF, 1=ON
8.22 Command PBC – Select pixel black correction mode
This command enables (or disables) the “pixel black level” correction function, which
compensates for Dark Signal Non Uniformity (DSNU / FPN) for individual pixels.
0 = Off (Bypass)
1 = Factory setting
2 = user area
Associated functions:
Command PBR
Applicable modes:
8.23 Command PBR – Run pixel black correction and store to user area
This command initiates the “pixel black level” correction function, and stores the
settings in the user area. When this function is activated, lens must be capped.
0 = Run this function
Associated functions:
Command PBC must be set to 2
Important note:
This function requires that no light reaches the image sensors. The lens must
therefore be covered by a lens cap, or put the F-mount protective cover on the
camera, when executing this function.
As the black level is influenced by the exposure time (especially for long exposure
time, at slow scan rates) it is recommended to perform the pixel black correction at
the exposure time and line rate at which the camera will be operated.