― 23 ―
LED Ring-Light Auto Intensity Maximum: the highest light level the ALC will set the LED Ring
Light flash intensity.
LED Ring-Light Auto Intensity Knee Point 1 and Knee Point 2: have units in Light Sensor (LS
A-Side) from ALC. Intensity is equal to:
If LS value < Knee Point 1 then intensity equals Intensity Minimum
If LS value > Knee Point 2 then intensity equals Intensity Maximum
The operation of the LED Ring Light in Auto Light Level mode is represented in the graph below.
Figure 21. Auto Light Level operating principle
4.7 Automatic triggering and light sensing configuration
This section describes the parameters to configure when setting up for automatic triggering (Vehicle
Detector trigger) and light sensing (ALC).
Vehicle Detector Trigger settings
Select “Vehicle Detector” within “External Trigger Source” to enable the Vehicle Detector Trigger.
The system will automatically detect moving vehicles in up to two separate lanes. Note that the traffic
in both lanes must be moving in the same direction.
The Vehicle Detector uses a 200-line-high detection area that covers the full width of the image. This
detection area is internally split into 9 horizontal detection grids. Each grid can be individually enabled
or disabled. When used in single lane mode, all 9 are used. When in dual-lane mode, four grids are
used per lane and the center grid is normally disabled.
The Vehicle Detector properties are located in the EN Setup camera properties Section 12 -