BM-500CL / BB-500CL
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Electronic Shutter
The BM/BB-500CL allows selecting shutter speed in two ways; preset shutter (10 fixed steps) and
programmable exposure (in 2072 line period, LVAL increments).
Preset Shutter (SH)
The following shutter speeds can be selected by command SH=0 through SH=10.
OFF (1/15),1/30, 1/60, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/8000, 1/10000 seconds
Programmable Exposure (PE)
The exposure time can be programmed in 32.067µs (LVAL period) increments. The range is from 2
LVAL to 2072 LVAL.
Minimum exposure time 2L
Maximum exposure time 2072 L
32.067µs x 2(L) = 64.13 µs
32.067µs x 2072 (L) ≈ 66.44 ms
In binning mode:
Minimum Exposure time 2L
Maximum exposure time 1029 L
42.067 µs x 2(L) = 84.13 µs
42.067 µs x 1029 (L) ≈ 43.71 ms
In draft mode
Minimum exposure time 2L
Maximum exposure time 261 L
102.066 µs x 2(L) = 204.132 µs
102.066 µs x 261 (L) ≈ 26.64 ms
Auto Shutter (ASC)
The setting command is ASC. This command activates the Auto shutter function. This function
controls the shutter speed according to light changes and keeps the specified video level. Auto
shutter controls from OFF (1/15) to 1/250 seconds.
Continuous operation or triggered operation
The camera can operate in continuous operation applications not requiring asynchronous external
trigger. This mode permits the use of a lens with video controlled iris. The camera will operate at
its maximum frame rate, 15.05 frames/seconds in this mode.
For applications that require an external trigger, the camera can accept an external trigger input
on pin 10 of the 12-pin Hirose connector or via the Camera Link interface. The command "TI" is
used to switch between inputs.
The camera can operate up to 15 frames/second in triggered operation.
Iris video output.
The iris video output on pin 4 of the 12-pin Hirose
connector output 700 mV when the video out in Camera
Link is at the 100% level . The iris video signal is taken after
the gain circuit. It is without sync.
The iris video signal can be used for auto iris lens drive in
continuous mode.
Fig. 8. Iris video output.