AM-200CL / AB-200CL
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8.11. Test pattern (Command: TPN)
Test pattern off
AM-800:Black-Wihte AB-800: Color bar
Gray Pattern1
: Gray Pattern2
: white
Fig.46 Test pattern
8.12. Temperature sensor (Command : TMPO)
This function reads out the temperature inside the camera.
The measuring range : -55 to +125ºC
Resolution : 0.0625 ºC
The following table shows examples of values which can be read out by the TMPO
The display resolution in the JAI camera control tool is 1 ºC.
8.13 ALC
In the AM-200CL and AB-200CL, auto gain, auto shutter and auto iris functions can be
combined to provide a wide ranging automatic exposure control from dark to bright or
vice versa.
The functions are applied in the sequence shown below and if one function is disabled, the
linkage between the other two is maintained.
If the lighting condition is changed from bright to dark AIC ― ASC ― AGC
If the lighting condition is changed from dark to bright AGC ― ASC ― AIC