AM-200CL / AB-200CL
- 18 - Binning ON
If the bit allocation is set to 8-, 10- or 12-bit and the binning control is 1x2 or 2x2
Note: In this case, offset Y and height should use only even numbers.
1) For a centered readout which covers both the upper and lower TAPS
Use the following two formulas to calculate frame lines (A) and frame lines (B).
Use the larger number of frame lines for calculating the frame rate.
If they are the same number of lines, either one can be used.
Frame lines (A) = Roundup ((1)/4) +(600 –Offset)/2 +10
Frame lines (B) = Roundup{[1201-(Height)]/4} + [( Height)-600]/2 + 10
Frame rate (Hz) = 1/ (frame lines number x 0.0000264)
2) If the readout is only in the upper TAP
In this case, Offset < 600 and ( Height) ≤ 600
Roundup{( 1 )/4} + Roundup{[600-( height)]/4} + Height/2 +10
= Frame lines number
Frame rate (Hz)= 1/(Frame number x 0.0000264)
3) If the readout is only in the lower TAP
In this case, Offset > 600
Roundup{[1200-( Height)]/4
+ Roundup[(Offset -600)/4] + Height/2 + 10 =
Frame lines number
Frame rate (Hz) = 1/(Frame lines number x 0.0000264) 1 tap output Binning OFF
If the bit allocation is set 8-, 10- or 12-bit or RGB and the binning control is OFF or 2x1
In the case of RGB, the binning control is not available)
Roundup{( 1 )/4} + Roundup
(1200 – Offset)/4
+ 18 =
Frame number
Frame rate (Hz) = 1/(Frame lines number x 0.00002405) Binning ON
If the bit allocation is set 8-, 10- or 12-bit and the binning control is 1x2 or 2x2.
Note: In this case, offset Y and height should use only even numbers.
Roundup{( 1 )/4} + Roundup
(1200 – Offset)/4
+ Height/2 + 18 =
Frame number
Frame rate (Hz) = 1/(Frame lines number x 0.0000264)