Jaeger-LeCoultre watches
In order to benefit from the International Guar-
antee and/or the Limited Warranty and/or the
Manufacturer’s Guarantee for Australia, Jaeger-
LeCoultre products must be purchased exclu-
sively from authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre retail-
ers or from Jaeger-LeCoultre Boutiques. Main-
tenance and repair work must be entrusted
to an authorised Jaeger-LeCoultre retailer, a
Jaeger-LeCoultre Boutique, or an authorised
Jaeger-LeCoultre Service Centre. If these con-
ditions are not met, the manufacturer’s guar-
antee does not apply. Please contact Jaeger-
LeCoultre to obtain the list of authorised Jaeger-
LeCoultre retailers across the world.
International Guarantee
The International Guarantee applies to Jaeger-
LeCoultre products sold or presented for
guarantee repairs in all countries, except the
United States of America and Canada (for
these two countries, see the Limited Warranty)