7. Loosen and remove the 2 Hexagonal 8.Prepare and install a new load cell reversibly.
socket screws from Lower support.
9.First solder load cell wire, then install 10.Please insert the keypad.
every connector to the new board.
1) ZEMIC and MAVIN Load cell:“E+”in red, “E-”in black
“S+”in green ,and “S-”in while)
2) Tedea load cell: “E+”in green, “E-”in black
“S+”in red ,and “S-”in while
11.Scale grinding
A. First switch on the scale and conduct a calibration.
B. Use weights of 1/3 full load to test the 4 corners and record the shown values.
C. Use a file to grind the “Scale grinding point” corresponding to the lowest display value out of
the four corners.(when grinding for the first time, please test force by means of trial grinding
with small strength so as the avoid damage to L/C), after grinding, press ZERO key to measure
the four corners again.
D. Repeat step B-C until the difference between the four corners and the center is
±1 division, then recalibrate the scale.
E: After grinding the scale, if there are still big differences In the displayed weighing between
the 4 corners and center of the scale, it means malfunction in L/C.
F: Pay attentions to L/C specification when grinding, the smaller Max. Capacity, the weaker
grinding force.
23 JCL Service Manual