Jabiru J400
Owners Manual
Section: 0
This Owners Manual is provided by Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd as a guide to the
operation of the Jabiru J400 model aircraft. As the J400 model is an experimental
amateur built kitplane, the characteristics, performance, limitations and other
information may vary between individual aircraft. As part of the test flight program,
the Owner must verify the characteristics, performance limitations and other
information is relevant to their particular aircraft and amend any guidance figures
that are provided in this Manual
Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for the guidance data and
information provided in this Manual.
This Owners Manual applies only to the particular aircraft identified by the
registration marking and serial number on the Approval Page and contains the
airworthiness limitations and essential operating data for this aircraft.
Special operations requiring additional limitations and instructions are listed in the
"Supplements Section" and this section shall be consulted before undertaking any
such operations. For operating information not included in this manual, reference
should be made to the appropriate operations or manufacturer's manuals.
The Owner Manual shall be carried in the aircraft on all flights.
The pilot in command of the aircraft shall comply with all requirements, procedures
and limitations with respect to the operation of the aircraft set out in the Owners
Manual for the aircraft.
Amendments shall be issued by Jabiru as necessary and will take the form of
replacement pages, with the changes to the text indicated by a vertical line in the
margin together with the amendment date at the bottom of the page.
Interim/Temporary amendments may be issued in the same manner and are to be
inserted as directed. These amendments will take precedence over the stated
affected page. It is the owner's responsibility to incorporate in this manual all such
This aircraft has been qualified on the basis of the equipment fitted at the time of
Dated: SEPT 00
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