User Manual
Attitude Solo (2nd Generation)
Connected Fixtures Glitching
Confirm that the connected fixtures are wired correctly to the DMX output.
Confirm that there are no cross connections between DMX wires; check
that no copper wire strands are accidentally touching between pins.
Confirm that the fixtures are patched correctly on the device.
Try a different show. Open the
menu and select any show and see if
the lights behave properly. If so, one of your shows is configured in such a
way that the engine is unable to process the show properly. Try changing
that show's parameters.
Contact J Squared Systems.
Connected Fixtures Showing Wrong Color
Confirm that the fixtures are patched correctly on the device.
In the
menu, open any show, then select
Color 1
. All lights should
show the color being selected. This method can help debug patch issues.
Contact J Squared Systems.
Trigger Not Responding
Confirm that your button or relay is wired properly to the trigger input.
Ensure that the trigger input is a momentary connection. For example, a
switch will close the connection between the trigger pins indefinitely.
Instead of a switch, use a device like a button to temporarily (think less
than one second) close the connection between the pins. This will properly
activate the trigger.
Power cycle the device.
Factory reset the device. Navigate to the
menu, select
then select
to confirm. Note that this will reset
to their factory default settings.
If for any reason the trigger input was accidentally connected to a power
source higher than 5 volts, the input has likely been damaged. Your device
will need to be repaired by J Squared Systems.
Contact J Squared Systems.