Access denied!!
The entered password wasn’t ok, so the configuration of the password is termi-
Enter the new root password with maximum 19 digits.
Now the new root password should be entered. After writing the password press
Please enter the new root password once again.
For verification pupose the new password have to be entered again.
Success, password will be changed…!
If both entered passwords are the same, the new password will be saved. The
saving to the flash memory will take place after completion of the configuration.
So if the gateway is now disconnected from the power, the former password is
still active.
Without the correct password the gateway can’t be accessed. If the password is
lossed, the gateway have to be returned to the manufacturer to restore it.
3.5 Hardware
In the hardware configuration, settings for the serial interface and the delay time
to start the configuration dialog can be made.
Change the HARDWARE configuration?[N]
The hardware configuration can be branched into via 'Y'+<ENTER>. With <EN-
TER> or 'N'+<ENTER>, this configuration dialog is skipped.
3.5.1 Setting the baud rate for the serial interface
The setting of the baud rate only applies to the first serial interface (COM1),
which is used for the configuration.
Set the baud rate of Serial channel[19200]?
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CAN@net Manual, Version 1.7