Installation of the device
2 Installation of the device
2.1 Connections of the CAN@net
The following diagram shows the connections of the CAN@net. The pin alloca-
tions are described in detail in section 5.
The CAN@net also has four LEDs. For the three communication connections
Ethernet, CAN and RS232, one Duo-LED each is available with which the com-
munication status of the interface can be read off. When connected to the volt-
age supply, the Power LED is illuminated.
RS232-Connector 1
Power Supply
RS232-Connector 2
External I/O-Pin
Fig. 2.1-1: Connections and displays of the CAN@net
2.2 Preparation of configuration
Before initial commissioning of the CAN@net, the device must be configured. For
configuration you require a standard PC with a terminal program (e.g. Windows-
Hyperterminal). First carry out the following steps to prepare the device for con-
Connect the first serial interface of the CAN@net with a serial port of your
PC with a null modem cable.
Start a terminal-program on your PC with baud rate 19200 baud, 8 bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit (or the last configured baud rate of the CAN@net).
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CAN@net Manual, Version 1.7