CAN@net II/Generic, Version 1.5
Web Interface
When done, click on the desired button "Add", "Remove" or "Search".
Repeat step 2 and 3 until all identifiers, which should be transmitted from
CAN to TCP/IP, are in the filter list. The content of the filter list is shown
at the bottom of the page.
3. Enable or disable the filter list. With the filter list disabled, all CAN
messages are forwarded by the CAN@net II/Generic, regardless of their
ID. If the filter list is enabled, only the identifiers which are in the list are
forwarded from CAN to TCP/IP.
4. All filter list changes are held in RAM. In order to store the changes in the
Flash, enter the password and click on “Store Configuration” button.
Changes since the last save command are lost in the event of a reboot of
the device.
After submitting the filter configuration form, the Web Server responds to this by
displaying the same configuration page with additional process reply information
under the “Filter configuration” Headline.
Screenshot 5.5 Add CAN IDs reply information