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Cyclone V SoC Qseven SOM Hardware User Guide
iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Boot Media Switch
Cyclone V SoC Qseven SOM supports two positions Boot Media Switch (SW2) which is physically located in the top of
the PCB. This switch is used to select the boot media of Cyclone V SoC (bsel). Cyclone V SoC Qseven SOM supports
different boot media options for booting Cyclone V SoC as explained in the below table.
Table 3: Boot Media Settings Truth Table
Boot Media Setting On Cyclone V SoC
Qseven SOM
SW2 (2 Position Switch) for BOOTSEL
SD Memory (4bit)
FPGA (HPS-to-FPGA bridge)
SPI or Quad SPI Flash Memory
ON - High
OFF - Low
Boot Clock Switch (Optional)
Cyclone V SoC Qseven SOM optionally supports two positions Boot Clock Switch (SW3) which is physically located in
the top of the PCB. This switch can be used to select the boot Clock Frequency of boot media. This is the optional
feature and will not be populated in default configuration.
Important Note: Cyclone V HPS’s OSC1 pin (HPS_CLK1) is provided with 25 MHz clock source on the SOM. Also
CSEL[1:0] pins are always set to 11b On-SOM hardware.
Reset Switch
Cyclone V SoC Qseven SOM supports On-SOM reset switch (SW1). This momentary push-button switch can be used
to reset the Cyclone V SoC. This reset is connected to Cyclone V HPS’s HPS_NPOR pin and Cyclone V FPGA IO pin (SoC
Pin number D12).