Collector hose
The task of the collector hose is to convey the heat transfer fl uid through
the ground or lake to fetch a few degrees of heat. The hose consists of a
thin-walled plastic hose of the type PEM 40 x 2.4 PN 6.3.
It is important when the collector hose is placed in the ground that air
pockets are avoided.
Installation and refi lling around the collector hose
Installation and fi lling the soil around the collector hose should follow
applicable material and working descriptions and regulations. See www.
byggtjanst.se for more information.
It is important that the fi lling material does not contain stones or other
sharp objects that can damage the collector hose. We also recommend that
the hose is pressure tested before starting to refi ll. If the hose should leak
it is easier to fi x the problem.
When cutting the collector hose it is important that no dirt or gravel enters
the system. Dirt and gravel can cause a blockage in the heat pump.
Minimum permitted bending diameter
Minimum permitted bending diameter is 1 metre. If sharper bends
are required an elbow connector must be used. If the collector hose is
damaged by too sharp a bend, you can repair the damage using a straight
Maximum length of the collector hose
The maximum length of the collector hose is based on the heat carrier
pump’s pressure setting. We recommend a heat transfer fl uid consisting
of max 29 per cent ethanol by volume and water. Ethanol has good envi-
ronmental and technical properties even at low temperatures and should
therefore be used instead of other heat transfer fl uids.
The maximum collector hose lengths
for heat pump models are provided in
the table.
In situations where the length of the
collector hose needs to exceed the
permitted value, you can connect the
hoses in parallel. Note that for parallel
connecting the maximum length per
hose is specifi ed. As an example the
table shows that for E11 the maximum
hose length is 400 metres. For two
hoses connected in parallel the maxi-
mum length is 800 metres per hose,
i.e. in total 1600 metres with a parallel
The depth and length of the collector
hose are described in detail in the con-
fi guration program VPW2000.
The heat pump and collector hose in general
Heat pump model
Maximum hose length
in one circuit
Maximum hose length
per hose in two circuits
Greenline HT Plus C6/E6
600 metres
Greenline HT Plus C7/E7
500 metres
1000 metres
Greenline HT Plus C9/E9
400 metres
800 metres
Greenline HT Plus C11/E11
400 metres
800 metres
Greenline HT Plus E14
800 metres
Greenline HT Plus E17
800 metres