Page 14
Operation and maintenance instructions
Envistar / CRAMO
Air handling with the focus on LCC
Continuous product development may give rise to specification changes without prior notice.
3.6 Damper (code ETET-UM, ETET-TR)
Size 04
Size 06
The purpose of the damper is to regulate the airflow. Faulty damper operation
causes disturbances that can lead to serious consequences.
If the outdoor air damper does not open completely, this will reduce the airflow.
If the outdoor air damper does not close completely when the air handling unit
stops, the heating coil could freeze and burst.
If the damper leaks air, this will cause the unit to consume more power due
to thermal lift.
1. Check how the damper actuators are operating.
2. Make sure that the dampers close tightly. If they don't, adjust the damper
actuator to make the damper tight (does not apply to trim dampers).
3. Inspect the sealing strips.
4. If the damper does not operate, check how the screws are seated. Make
sure that no screws extend into the drive mechanism/damper blades and
thus interfere with damper operation.
Wipe the damper blades clean with a cloth. If the surfaces are severely fouled,
use an environmentally-friendly degreasing agent.