Page 21
Operation and Maintenance
Envistar Compact
Continuous product development may give rise to specification changes without notice.
For the Home Concept version (code ACET-08)
The filter cabinet is an optional extra for the Home Concept version and can be
used for
• aluminium filter on the extract air side
• carbon filter on the supply air side
AL - aluminium filter, C - carbon filter, Black Ridge
The aluminium filter is intended for use where the extract air contains grease
particles to avoid grease being sucked into the unit. The filter is a knitted flat-ty-
pe filter. The aluminium filter can be cleaned using hot water and a mild alkaline
The carbon filter can be used to remove odours in the form of organic and odo-
rous gases/vapours. The carbon filters are fitted to the supply air side. The car-
bon filters are Black Ridge filters, constructed as compact and highly efficient,
molecular filters. The filters are designed for one-time use and the filter is com-
bustible in its entirety.
Lifespan and filter control Carbon filter
The function and lifespan of the carbon filters depends on the volume of air that
passes through and on the molecular density of odorous substances. This me-
ans that the time intervals for filter replacement can vary from unit to unit depen-
ding on operation mode and the volume of odorous substances in the air.
Units delivered with integrated control equipment (code MX) are equipped with
the filter control function – FLC (Filter Lifetime Control). FLC indicates when it is
time to replace the carbon filter. Indication is through an alarm on the hand-held
terminal display.
FLC calculates the volume of air passing through the carbon filters and triggers
the alarm for filter replacement when the preset value has been reached. The
volume of air passing through is measured in mega cubic metres (Mm³). The
function does not take into account the odour content of the air, which means
that the indication should be regarded as a recommendation for checking the
filter function. If no odours pass through, there is no need to replace the filter.