CGW-I Cellular Gateway BRI-GSM : Installation and Operation Manual
Toll Restrictions
The Toll Restriction window defines up to 22 different cellular operator
prefixes that will either be permitted or forbidden to go through the CGW-I
device and the channel through which they will be routed. Each prefix can
be up to 7 digits long. Each Allowed list can hold up to 20 prefixes. The Not
Allowed list can hold up to 12 prefixes.
To allow a specific prefix to be used on a specific channel:
Check the Allowed checkbox to enable both Allowed Prefix List
panes. They display the cellular operator prefixes your device can
call on each channel.
Click the Add button for the channel you want to use for calls
beginning with this prefix. The Add Prefix window is displayed.
Enter dialing prefix, then click OK. The number is added to the
channel’s prefix list.
Prefixes should not conflict with any existing PBX LCR Rules.