Tensioning the screw collet mechanism, fixed bearing end
Follow the same procedure you used for the floating bearing end to install the
collet mechanism on the fixed bearing end. To do this, secure the preassem-
bled fixed bearing block to the fixture and introduce the screw vertically.
Ensure the centre ring for the fixed bearing end is fitted before the collet
mechanism is fastened in place. It cannot be fitted subsequently.
Lubricating the screw
Apply a suitable grease lubrication to the preassembled screw unit. We recom-
mend applying GLEITMO 810 (Fuchs Lubritech) with a brush.
Inserting the preassembled screw into Profile 8 80x80 KGT
Once you have inserted the lip seals into Profile 8 80x80 KGT, you can insert
the preassembled and adjusted unit into Profile 8 80x80 KGT and fix it in
This unit comprises:
Collet mechanism, floating bearing end
First damping ring
Drive nut
Gimbal adapter
Yoke adapter
Second damping ring
Collet mechanism in fixed bearing block with centre ring