belt (ribbed side) and abnormal wear on ribs. Replace belt if any of
these conditions are present.
3) Using a rubber hardness tester, measure hardness of belt
at 3-5 places around circumference of belt. If any single measurement
exceeds reading of "90" on tester, replace belt.
4) Measure outside diameter of crankshaft, camshaft, oil
pump sprockets and tensioner. If specifications are exceeded, replace
5) Measure tension pulley spring length and force. If
length exceeds 3.105" (78.87 mm) or force is less than 53-57 lbs.
(24-26 kg), replace spring.
Application Standard Limit
In. (mm) In. (mm)
Camshaft ...................... 5.202 ...................... 5.198
(132.03 (131.93)
Crankshaft .................... 2.574 ...................... 2.570
(65.33) (65.23
Oil Pump ...................... 4.485 ...................... 4.481
(113.84) (113.74)
Tensioner ..................... 2.364 ...................... 2.356
(60.00) (59.80)
1) Install engine front cover and water pump. Coat oil pump
rotor with engine oil and install rotor with chamfered side facing
cylinder body. Coat "O" ring with engine oil and insert in housing
groove. Mount housing and tighten bolts to specification. Rotate
pump. If oil pump does not rotate smoothly, replace pump.
2) Install oil pump sprocket. Install camshaft guide plate
and camshaft sprocket. Hold sprocket stationary and tighten mounting
bolt. Install crankshaft timing sprocket with keyway at 12 o’clock
position. Install tension sprocket and spring. Push sprocket assembly
toward water pump and temporarily tighten mounting bolt.
3) Rotate crankshaft until mark on timing sprocket aligns
with mark on front oil seal retainer. Rotate camshaft sprocket until
timing mark aligns with mark on front plate. Ensure No. 4 cylinder is
at TDC on compression stroke. See Fig. 7.
4) Position timing belt over crankshaft sprocket, oil pump
sprocket, camshaft sprocket and tensioner. Ensure that belt is
positioned in sequence given and without slack between sprockets.
Loosen tension sprocket adjusting bolt to allow spring tension to
tighten belt. Tighten adjusting bolt.
5) Install crankshaft damper and rotate crankshaft 2
complete revolutions in opposite direction of engine rotation until
marks on crankshaft timing pulley and front oil seal retainer are
aligned. Loosen tension adjusting bolt. Tighten timing belt to
specification. Tighten adjusting bolt.
6) Install timing belt cover. Install crankshaft damper
assembly. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure.
Install all drive belts. Set valves to cold clearance.