Engine Block Inspection
1) Inspect engine block upper surface for distortion using a
straightedge and feeler gauge. Replace block if distortion exceeds
.016" (.41 mm).
2) If distortion is more than .008" (.20 mm) but less than
.016" (.41 mm), block may be resurfaced. Measure cylinder bore
diameter. Replace block if bore measurement is greater than 3.5197"
(89.400 mm) on 2.0L and 2.3L models, or greater than 3.466" (88.036
mm) on 1.9L models.
3) Engine block must be rebored if measurement is more than
.008" (.20 mm) over standard size. See CYLINDER BORE SIZES table.
Variation between bore diameters after honing should be .0008" (.020
mm) or less.
Application Standard Size In. (mm)
2.0L & 2.3L Models ....................... 3.465-3.480 (88.01-88.39)
1.9L Models .......................................... 3.425 (87.00)
Piston Inspection
1) Measure diameter of piston skirt 1.58" (40 mm) below
piston head, at 90 degrees to piston pin bore. Measure cylinder bore
diameter near bottom of bore at minimum wear area. Clearance between
cylinder bore diameter and piston diameter must be within
.0018-.0026" (.046-.066 mm). If clearance exceeds specifications,
replace pistons.
2) Measure weight of piston and rod assemblies. Variation in
weight between assemblies must not exceed .42 oz. (12 grams). If
correction is necessary, adjust by changing parts between assemblies,
other than piston and piston pin. Oversize (O.S.) pistons are
available in .020" (.50 mm) and .040" (1.0 mm) for all models.
Size Diameter In. (mm)
Standard ............................... 3.425-3.426 (87.00-87.04)
0.5 mm O.S. ............................ 3.444-3.445 (87.50-87.52)
1.0 mm O.S. ............................ 3.464-3.465 (88.00-88.02)
Standard ............................... 3.463-3.464 (87.95-87.99)
0.5 mm O.S. ............................ 3.482-3.484 (88.45-88.49)
1.0 mm O.S. ............................ 3.502-3.504 (88.95-88.99)
Standard ............................. 3.514-3.515 (89.255-89.295)
0.5 mm O.S. .......................... 3.534-3.535 (89.755-89.795)
1.0 mm O.S. .......................... 3.553-3.555 (90.255-90.295)
1) Position rings squarely in cylinder bore at a point where
bore diameter is smallest. Measure ring end gap with a feeler gauge.
Replace rings if end gap is greater than .059" (1.5 mm). Using a
feeler gauge, measure ring side clearance. Replace pistons and rings
if side clearance is greater than .006" (.15 mm).
2) Install expander ring, lower side rail, then upper side
rail. See Fig. 9. Position compression rings so that "N", "NPR", "T"