1) On 1.9L models, remove valve cover. Remove mechanical
fuel pump (if equipped). Rotate camshaft until No. 4 cylinder is on
TDC of compression stroke. Remove distributor cap and mark rotor
position on housing. Lock timing chain tensioner by depressing and
turning slide pin 90 degrees clockwise. See Fig. 1.
2) Check chain for slack after locking tensioner. Remove
fuel pump drive cam (if equipped) and camshaft sprocket with timing
chain attached. DO NOT separate chain and sprocket.
3) On 2.0L turbo and 2.3L models, remove valve cover and
cylinder head as previously outlined. Rotate crankshaft until No. 4
piston is at TDC of compression stroke. Remove timing belt cover and
timing belt. Remove camshaft timing sprocket and guide plate.
4) On all models, remove rocker arm shaft and bracket
assembly. Remove camshaft.
1) Inspect camshaft lobes and journals for wear or damage.
Measure height of camshaft lobes. Replace camshaft if measurement is
less than 1.432" (36.37 mm).
2) Measure camshaft journals. If journal diameter is less
than 1.331" (33.83 mm) or if difference between largest and smallest
journal is more than .002" (.05 mm), replace camshaft.
3) Place camshaft on "V" blocks and check runout at center
journal. If runout exceeds .004" (.10 mm), replace camshaft. A slight
amount of runout can be corrected with a press. DO NOT apply heat.
1) Apply heavy coat of engine oil to camshaft journals and
bearing surfaces. Install camshaft and rocker arm shaft brackets so
that mark on camshaft thrust flange is aligned with mark on No. 1
rocker arm shaft bracket. Ensure that crankshaft sprocket mark is
aligned with TDC mark on front cover.
2) Reverse removal procedure to complete installation.
Ensure that rotor and mark on distributor housing are aligned when
No. 4 cylinder is in firing position. Check that crankshaft sprocket
mark is aligned with TDC mark on front cover.
Measure camshaft journal diameters. Measure camshaft bearing
inside diameter. Install rocker arm shaft brackets. Tighten nuts to
16 ft. lbs (22 N.m). If bearing clearance is greater than .006" (.15
mm), replace worn components.
Remove rocker arm shaft assembly to relieve load on
camshaft. Install camshaft. Measure camshaft end play using a dial
indicator. If end play exceeds .008" (.20 mm), check camshaft thrust
flange or thrust groove in head for wear. Replace worn components.
Right Side - Intake valves.
Left Side - Exhaust valves.