3.18 Twin Mode Setup
3.18.1 Twin Speaker Name Segment Name Fragment for Twin Mode
Configure the method for doing the Twin Mode Pairing. The n-SPK as Twin Master discovers and pairs with the Twin Slave by
access code. There are three types:
General: Use Group Access Code. We define that Group Access Code is a company code or a product code. When users
want to design-in with this chip, they have to submit requirement for their unique company code and product code. Under
this method, Twin Master and Twin Slave are needed to configure the same Group Access Code and they are discovered
and paired with each other which have the same code. When Twin Master discovered and tried to pair with Twin Slave,
Twin Master discover and pair with Twin Slave which has the same code. If there are many Twin Masters and Twin Slaves
under twin mode pairing mode at the same time, we can’t expect one of Twin Masters will pair with the specific Twin Slave.
Dedicate: Use Dedicate Twin Speaker Pairing Access Code. When selecting this method, Twin Master and Twin Slave
must be a paired on manufacturing. Base on Dedicated Twin Speaker Pairing Access Code, Twin Master tries to pair with
the specific Twin Slave which has the same code.
Recovery: Use the access code of Twin Master. This access code is determined by Bluetooth address of Twin Master. Twin
Master first uses Group Access Code to discover and pair with Twin Slave. Both of them record the access code of Twin
Master. Next time, Twin Master and Twin Slave are a paired and will use the recording access code to do the twin mode
paired. Twin Speaker Pairing Duration
The setting is the maximum duration for n-SPK at Twin Mode Pairing. Twin Speaker Recovery Pairing Duration
The setting is the duration for Twin Master to recovery the Twin Mode Link with last Twin Slave. Group Access Code
The setting is for General type of Twin Mode Pairing Scheme above to discover a matching Twin Slave. Dedicate Twin Speaker Pairing Access Code
The setting is for Dedicate type of Twin Mode Pairing Scheme to get the dedicated Twin Slave. Recover Twin Speaker Link As Twin Speaker Link Loss
Try to recover the Twin Mode Link when losing the Twin Mode Link abnormally. Twin Speaker Link Loss Reconnect Duration
The setting is the maximum duration for recovering the Twin Mode Link. Cancel Twin Speaker Pairing As Bluetooth Pairing
If the n-SPK enters Pairing Mode during the process of Twin Mode Pairing, cancel the Twin Mode Pairing or not.