3.17.1 Indication Pin1 Polarity
Configure the indicated polarity of the pin when n-SPK is at the monitored states.
3.17.2 Voice(SCO) Indication
Indicate that the voice link is established.
3.17.3 Audio(SBC) Indication
Indicate that n-SPK is playing audio.
3.17.4 Ring Tone Indication
Indicate that a ring tone is outputting.
3.17.5 Incoming Call Indication
Indicate that n-SPK is having an incoming call.
3.17.6 HF Link Indication
Indicate that the HF link exists between n-SPK and the remote device.
3.17.7 A2DP Link Indication
Indicate that the A2DP link exists between n-SPK and the remote device.
3.17.8 Button Event Trigger Indication
Indicate that the Button Indication Toggle function has been triggered.