SWITCH parameter within the Switch function must be set to
2. CRS MODE (CRS or PSHIFT): switches between the modes.
3. CHORUS MIX (0 to 100): Controls the relative mix between the
original signal and all 4 delayed voices.
4. CRS DEPTH 1 (0 to 100): Varies the amount of change in the
delay time, which varies the amount of pitch bend in Voice 1.
5. CRS RATE 1 (1 to 127): Varies the rate at which the pitch is
being modulated. The rate can also be controlled by pressing 2
then pressing twice (tapping) on the CHORUS/FLANGER switch,
if the C/F SWITCH is set to CHORUS, or if it is set to CRS+FLA
and the chorus is ON.
6. CRS LEVEL 1 (OFF to 0 dB): Controls the level of voice 1 that is
mixed in the stereo output.
7. CRS PAN 1 (0 to 100): Pans voice 1. 0 is fully Left, 100 is fully
Right, and 50 is centered.
8. CRS DEPTH 2 (0 to 100): Same as for voice 1.
9. CRS RATE 2/1 (0.1 to 1.5): Sets the ratio between the rate of
voice 2 and the rate of voice 1. It is done this way so that if the
rate of voice 1 is varied by either the VALUE knob, the TAP
function, or the EXP. PEDAL function, the rate of all 4 voices will
track each other. Typically these ratios are set to a value other
than 1.0, so that each voice will modulate at a different rate
resulting in a more random and ‘lush’ sounding effect.
10. CRS LEVEL 2 (OFF to 0 dB): Same as for voice 1.
11. CRS PAN 2 (0 to 100): Same as for voice 1.
12. The explaination for voices 3 and 4 the same as for voice 2.
A pitch shifter works by storing the signal in a short delay, then reading it
out at a faster (shift up) or slower rate (shift down). For a shift up, this means
that portions of the signal must be repeated. For a shift down, portions of the
signal are thrown away. For either case, the output signal will be spliced
together from portions of the input. The Theta Pro has an intelligent algorithm to
find 'best match' splice points to minimize their audibility. Presets 210 to 220
have been re-written to utilize the pitch shifter.
1. PITCH (-1200 to +1200 CENTS): Varies the amount of pitch shift in 20
cent increments. -1200 cents is one octave down, +1200 cents is one
octave up, and each 100 cents is one semitone. This parameter can
mapped to the expression pedal for real-time foot controlled pitch
bending, as in the "WHAM ME" preset.
2. DETUNE (-25 to +25 CENTS): Varies the amount of pitch shift in 1
cent increments to achieve a slight detune effect. The total pitch shift
will be the addition of the PITCH and DETUNE values, but typically
PITCH will be set to 0 if DETUNE is being used. An exception to this
is in the "12 STRING" preset, where a slight detune is used off a full