iSMA-B-AAC20/Sedona Modbus
Version 1.3
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Ping Type
Tested register type: Input/Holding,
Byte Order
Byte order reading 32-bit: 3210 (Big endian), 1032 (Little endian).
Modbus TCP data points
In Modbus protocol each device has implemented Modbus table. Sedona has 5 components
to read/write data from this table:
Boolean Point
Read Boolean value (Modbus command 0x02),
Boolean Writable
Read/write Boolean value (Modbus command 0x05),
Numeric Point
Read numeric value (Modbus commands: Input - 0x04, Holding
0x03 ),
Numeric Writable
Read/write numeric value (Modbus commands: 16-bits Int, SInt - 0x06,
32-bits Long, SLong, Float
Numeric Multi Point
Read up to 8 16-bits registers (Modbus command 0x16).
Modbus TCP Boolean Point
Modbus TCP Boolean Point is a component which is responsible for reading Boolean values
from the device. The component has Read action available under the right mouse button,
which forces the reading of the point.